Jesus Is Coming Again for Kids

Explorers Series 1

Series i
Lesson 9: Jesus is Coming Again!

Jesus is Coming Again

Dear Friend,

The Lord Jesus is in Heaven today, seated at the right mitt of God. He has all power in Heaven and in the world. I day He is coming back to take usa to be with Him in Heaven forever.

In My Father's house are many beautiful homes

Jesus said, "In My Father's house are many beautiful homes: if it were not and so, I would have told you. I get to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you lot, I will come up once again, and receive yous unto Myself; that where I am, there you lot may be also." John 14:ii-3

How do we know that the Lord Jesus is coming again? We know considering He said, "I volition come again." For those of us who have received Jesus equally our Savior, His coming will be a time of great joy. Why? Because He is coming to take us to be with Him—forever!

When a believer dies

The first believers were excited near the fact that the Lord Jesus was coming someday to take them to be with Him. Many of them idea that Jesus would come in their lifetime, and they were very distressing when some of their loved ones died. They thought that those who had died would somehow miss out on the wonderful blessings when Jesus comes again. Let us see what happens when a believer dies.

when a Christian dies

The torso is the "house" in which the soul lives. Nosotros can sympathize this because we live in a house. The house is non us; information technology is but the place where we live. Likewise, my body is just the "house" in which I live.

When a believer dies, the real person simply moves out of the "house" in which he or she has lived. The body is buried, but the person goes immediately to be with Christ.

Paul said, "For to me to alive is Christ, and to dice is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Why did Paul say that it was "gain" to dice? He knew that the moment he died, he would go to exist with Christ.

When a Christian loved one dies, nosotros are sorrowful because we love them and we miss them. But nosotros must recall that they are with Christ and this is far ameliorate than beingness here. And one day nosotros will be with them, and we will never again have to say goodbye.

When Jesus Comes

When Jesus comes, all believers—both those who have died and those who are still living—will be caught up [taken up] to meet the Lord in the air. The Bible says,

"For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ [the believers who have died] shall rise offset:

"And then we which are live and remain shall be defenseless upwardly together with them in the clouds to run across the Lord in the air: and and then shall we e'er be with the Lord." ane Thessalonians four:16-17

Three great things will happen when Jesus comes for His believers

God is letting united states in on a strange and wonderful secret.

The Bible says, "Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep [die], but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised with new resurrection bodies, and we shall be inverse" (i Corinthians fifteen:51-52).


The bodies of believers who have died volition instantly come up alive. The very first thing that will happen when Jesus comes is that there volition be a trumpet blast from the heaven, and the bodies of all believers will be raised from the expressionless. Believers will have glorious, new resurrection bodies!


Believers who are living when Jesus comes will be instantly inverse. The 2nd great thing that volition happen is that we who are nevertheless live when Jesus comes will be instantly changed. Our bodies will exist made like Christ's glorious resurrection body.

3 All believers will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air

All believers will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. The tertiary wonderful event is that all believers, those who have been made live and all those who have been changed, will be caught up together to meet the Lord Jesus in the air.

All of this will happen in a moment of time. We will be taken instantly to Heaven with the Lord Jesus. We will not need space suits or space ships. The Lord Jesus Himself will accept us to Heaven instantly, and "so shall we ever be with the Lord."

Those who are NOT saved

They will be left behind to face a time of great trouble on earth

When Jesus comes, what will happen to those who accept never taken Him as their Savior? They will be left behind to confront a time of slap-up trouble on earth. There will be devastating earthquakes, terrible wars, horrible diseases, and millions of people starving to death. Jesus said, "For then shall be a time of great trouble, such as was not since the beginning of the earth…" (Matthew 24:21).

I am sure that y'all understand at present why it is so important for y'all to tell your friends and loved ones about the Lord Jesus. We desire them to become with us to be with the Lord Jesus when He comes, and non be left behind to face up this terrible time on world.

Believers will be judged

When the believers go to Sky with the Lord Jesus, there volition be a judgment chosen "the Judgment Seat of Christ." This judgment is not to see whether or non nosotros are saved. Every believer is saved forever. But believers will be judged to receive rewards. It is very of import for u.s. to understand the difference between conservancy and rewards.

Salvation is a Souvenir and we have it NOW. Eternal [everlasting] life is the most wonderful gift nosotros could always receive. The Bible says, "The wages of sin is death; but the Souvenir of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans six:23).

When someone gives you a gift, all you have to do is reach out and take it

When someone gives yous a gift, all you have to do is reach out and take information technology, and it is yours. You exercise non take to work for a gift. Y'all exercise not have to pay for a gift. All you have to practise is take it and it is yours.

Because His Son died for our sins, God gives u.s. the souvenir of eternal life when nosotros take the Lord Jesus as our Savior. Y'all receive eternal life the moment you take Jesus into your centre. And you know that you lot have eternal life because God says so! The Bible says, "This is the record, that God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that has the Son has [eternal] life…" (1 John v:11-12).

When we tell others about Jesus

Rewards are earned by faithfully serving the Lord Jesus. Nosotros will receive rewards when we get to Heaven. God gives rewards to His children for the good things they exercise. When we tell others about Jesus and show them how they can be saved, God will reward us for this.

rewards are earned by faithful service

The Bible speaks of some very special rewards for those who serve the Lord Jesus faithfully. They are chosen "crowns." These beautiful crowns will be given to believers equally rewards.

Remember, conservancy is a gift and we receive it the moment nosotros take Jesus as our Savior. Rewards are earned, and we volition receive them when nosotros get to Heaven.

Christ is coming soon

We live in an heady fourth dimension. The virtually wonderful consequence is near to happen—the Lord Jesus is coming for His believers to take us to Heaven, to be with Him forever. Jesus said, "Behold, I come chop-chop; and My reward is with Me, to requite every man co-ordinate as his work shall be" (Revelation 22:12).

God'south Word is articulate! Some twenty-four hour period Christ is coming for His believers. There are five mighty "shalls" in these verses. Underline them in your mind.

"The Lord Himself shall descend from sky." 1 Thessalonians four:16

"The dead in Christ shall ascension." 1 Thessalonians 4:16

"We shall be changed." 1 Corinthians 15:52

"Nosotros shall exist caught up." 1 Thessalonians iv:17

"Then shall nosotros ever be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:17

Does anyone know exactly when Jesus will come up? No, no ane knows exactly when He will come. Jesus said, "Be you therefore gear up also: For the Son of Man comes at an hour when yous remember not" (Luke 12:40).

Be Ready

The Lord Jesus is coming soon! There are four words which tell united states of america how we tin be ready for His render. These words are: Beloved, Obey, Serve, and Expect.

1 Love the Lord Jesus

Love the Lord Jesus. The Lord loves us with all His middle, and He wants us to honey Him. At that place is nothing more than important for us than loving the Lord Jesus with all our heart.


Obey the Lord Jesus. Believers are obeyers! If we truly beloved Jesus, we will obey Him. Jesus said, "He that has My commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves Me: And he that loves Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will dear him and will show Myself to him" (John fourteen:21).

When you wonder whether or non you should do a certain thing, inquire yourself this question, "Would Jesus like to run into me do this?" If y'all call back that He would not like to run across yous do it, do not do it!


Serve the Lord Jesus. The time to live for Jesus is now! The time to serve Him is now!

Exercise yous know some people who do not know the Lord Jesus equally their Savior? Would you like to win them for Him? Then get-go praying for them. Tell them nigh the Savior. Tell them about the Mailbox Gild lessons. Help them to join this gratis online program.


Look for the Lord's coming. When the Lord Jesus comes, He wants to find His believers "watching and waiting" for His return.

The Lord Jesus is coming, and He is coming presently! Jesus said, "Behold I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work" (Revelation 22:12).

John 14:2-3 (graphic by Stephen Bates)


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